Student Earnings Estimator

Working part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer can help reduce your debt. And, Washington state's minimum hourly wage is one of the highest in the country.

A student who works while attending college has other benefits, too—including higher average GPAs and the benefit of gaining skills and experience that will help you get a job upon graduating. See how much you could earn per year.

Estimate school year earnings

2023-24 freshmen typically start at $15.74/hr
There are 10 active weeks per quarter plus vacation weeks
Full-time students typically work between 10 and 15 hours per week

Estimate work during the summer

2023-24 freshmen typically start at $15.74/hr
There is a max of 15 weeks available but most at least take around 3 weeks vacation
This varies per job but typically ranges from 30 to 36 hr/week

Total earnings

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